Vacuum Forming

Vacuum forming is a versatile forming technology that can be used in different industries for different products.

 Vacuum forming is a common thermoplastic process in which a plastic material is heated to the appropriate temperature. By utilising vacuum forming technologies, a variety of plastic materials in a roll-fed, foil or sheet form can be machined. Plastic material is heated until soft and pulled by a vacuum to form around a cold mould. 

When formed to a new shape, the material is allowed to cool in the air. We use a wide range of packaging machinery to go with your packaging requirements. The products can be after-treated with adhesive tapes for sealing or sticking onto other surfaces (blister packs).


  • Industrial trays (made of thicker plastics which allows good strenght for transportation and storage of various products)
  • Gift packs: cases for various products, plastic bags, …
  • Promotion material packs
  • Technical products packs
      • Hangers and folds
      • Blister packs (plastic packaging to be adhered or stuck onto cardboard back)
      • Self adhesive blister packs (plastic packaging to be stuck onto another product)
      • Cast molds (for example chocolate)

        Tool dimension 500 x 350 mm 500 x 750 mm 560 x 960 mm
        PVC, PS, A-PET,
        PET-GAG, ABS, 
        PVC, PS, A-PET,
        PET-GAG, ABS, 
        PVC, PS, A-PET,
        PET-GAG, ABS, 


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        PLADENT d.o.o.

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        1218 Komenda
        Tel: +386 1 834 56 96
        VAT: SI51492342
        IBAN: SI0510 0800 0067 019

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